A-Z Storage Guide

The best ways to store your food to keep it fresher for longer plus extra tips to make your food go further


Refrigerate apples to keep them crisp for longer – only place a couple of apples at a time in your fruit bowl if you prefer to eat them at room…

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Store avocados at room temperature to ripen, and once they are ripe, refrigerate them. Wrap cut avocados tightly with beeswax wrap, keep the stone in if it is still in tact.…

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Keep bananas somewhere nice and cool, but not in the fridge, and keep them away from other fruits.

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Bread should be stored in the freezer. The humid climate in New Zealand means that mould growth on bread is likely. Storing bread in the freezer will stop this from…

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Store carrots in an airtight container lined with a paper towel to stop them going limp and black.

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If you have a whole bunch of celery, wrap the root end of the celery in a paper towel, place the whole celery in a ziplock bag and squeeze out…

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The best way to store a block of cheese is to wrap it tightly in its original packaging and place it in a cloth cheese bag in the fridge.

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Cherries should be ripe when you buy them, so keep them in the fridge to extend their life.


Chicken should be well wrapped and kept cold at all times – either in the fridge or the freezer.

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Cucumbers can be stored either in the fridge or at room temperature. Keep the plastic wrapping on the cucumber as it protects the soft skin and prevents dehydration.

Deli meat

Deli meats should be stored in an airtight container in the fridge. 

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Eggs can be stored at room temperature, but they will last longer if they are stored in the fridge.

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Honey is best stored in a tightly sealed in it’s original container in the cupboard. Make sure to keep it cool!

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Kiwi fruit is best stored on the countertop until they are ripe. Once they are ripe they should be refrigerated to prolong their shelf life.

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Kumara should be stored in a cool, dark place, but not in the fridge.


Leftovers should always be stored in the fridge or freezer. It is important to get them into the fridge or freezer within two hours of cooking. Eat leftovers within two…

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