What’s cheap and in season in summer: fruits

What’s cheap and in season in summer: fruits

Seasonal produce is at its maximum flavour and available at great prices, perfect for barbecues and fresh salads in the summer. With warmer temperatures it is even more important to store fruits correctly so they last longer. Here are our summer storage secrets you need to know.


Fruit: what’s cheap and in season in summer

Summer fruits don’t last for long kept on the kitchen table. So once bought, keep them in the fridge so they last as long as possible. Berries are excellent to freeze, but stone fruits are best preserved or made into compote and jams. Freezing melons will make them softer when defrosted but these are perfect for making smoothies and fruit drinks. Freezing and preserving produce lets you enjoy summer fruits long after the season has ended.

Stone fruits

Stone fruits can be spotted in shops as early as late spring to autumn, peaking in summer. Nectarines, cherries, plums, peaches, and apricots are harvested at different times throughout these months. Juicy and refreshing, fresh stone fruits are tasty snacks, great in fruit salads, trifles, or toppings on pavlova. Cooking stone fruits in cake, or in pies, galettes, and tarts are terrific ways to use up large quantities of fruit. When you have a tree full of stone fruits, bottling, and preserving to make a compote or jam is an excellent way to keep them.


Knowing how to pick the right melon is the best way to make sure it doesn’t go to waste. Find all you need to know about that with some recipe inspirations here.


Summer is the season for fresh berries, and it is important to know how to keep them fresh for longer. Did you know that strawberry tops are edible? Make the most of the whole strawberry! Have some fun and make berry roll ups. Berries contain natural thickeners known as pectin perfect for making tasty jams, try this recipe for 1 cup jam.


Want more inspiration?

Check out our Easy Choice Family Kai meal planner for waste-free weekly meal plans, available to download for free!