NZ’s second Community Fridge launches in New Brighton

We are delighted to see a second Community Fridge is opening in New Zealand. This time it is located in the Christchurch suburb of New Brighton. Local woman Trudy Burrows is the driving force behind the fridge.
“I saw how effective the Community Fridge was up in Auckland and New Brighton is a suburb that was badly affected by the earthquake and has a number of homeless people and families struggling on tight incomes,” said Burrows.
“There is so much hunger in the world and you sometimes wonder what you can do when the problem is so huge. But this is one simple way that I can make a difference in my community.”
Originally it was just going to be a fridge, but the kitset shed proved big enough to install shelves and add a pantry for donations of dry and tinned food. There are also plans to build a deck and vegetable garden alongside. The fridge will open daily from 7am – 7pm.
Local cafes are being encouraged to donate any unsold food at the end of the day to the fridge. If enough volunteers are found, then there are plans to organise a food pick up from local supermarkets as well. Individuals can also support the fridge by donating excess fruit and vegetables from their garden or contacting Trudy as volunteers are needed to look after the fridge and collect food from local businesses. To volunteer email Trudy
The New Brighton Community fridge will launch at 1pm on Tuesday 27 June and is located in the grounds of St Faiths Church on 46 Hawke Street. Trudy is still fundraising to pay for the shed so donations are welcome at her give a little page.
If you would like to set up a community fridge in your neighbourhood, or volunteer at Auckland’s community fridge, then email us.