The best cookbooks to help you waste less food and save money

The best cookbooks to help you waste less food and save money

If you want to waste less food and save more money, but aren’t confident in the kitchen or need inspiration, it can be hard to know where to start.

Thankfully, there are many great cookbooks which can guide you – from learning the basics of making a stock to how to turn your leftovers into appetising meals.

Borrowing a cookbook from your local library is a great way to learn without having to spend a fortune. With the summer holidays just around the corner, now is a great time to borrow these books.

If your library doesn’t have a particular book, you can always ask them to consider purchasing it.

Here’s Love Food Hate Waste’s favourite cookbooks:

Books about cooking with leftovers:

Books about cooking on a budget:

We challenged libraries around New Zealand to create displays of their best cookbooks for using up leftovers. With entries from around the country, Pakuranga Library took out first place with their fabulous window display shown above.

Napier Library came a close runner up for creativity by installing a kitchen in their library…


…and we thought Waipa Library also showed creative flair,


and we loved Whangarei Library’s use of Oscar the Grouch! whangarei

Happy Holiday Cooking from the Love Food Hate Waste Team