How to store pumpkins so that they last longer

How to store pumpkins so that they last longer

No matter how much you love pumpkin soup, sometimes you just can’t use a whole pumpkin up in one go.

You put the rest of your pumpkin in the fridge, only to find when you go to pull it out for your next batch of soup that it is covered in mould. Unsure if it is safe to eat, you chuck the whole piece of pumpkin away.

Here’s what you need to know about storing cut pumpkin:

New research from the University of Otago has revealed the best home storage methods to lengthen the shelf life of vegetables. Love Food Hate Waste, the national campaign to help New Zealanders reduce the amount of food they waste, partnered with the University of Otago to test storage practices for many common vegetables found in Kiwis’ refrigerators. The results, released today, show that simple techniques can lengthen the life of produce and dispels many urban myths around how best to store food.


Here’s what you need to know about storing whole pumpkins:

Tip: If chopping your pumpkin feels like hard work, try roasting it whole in the oven. You can then chop the pumpkin easily and any pumpkin you don’t need can be frozen and used for soup.