Carrot pesto orechiette

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Create a vibrant Carrot Pesto Orecchiette by blending herb stems and carrot tops into a flavourful herb oil, making the most of the whole produce.

30 Minutes

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  • 750g carrots (tops an’ all)
  • 15g basil
  • 15g parsley
  • 100ml herb/carrot top oil
  • 150g pumpkin seeds
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 100g parmesan
  • 1 lemon salt
  • 250g dry orecchiette pasta (or any pasta you like)
  • 250g butter
  • w250g fillet of salmon


Carrot Puree

  1. Top the carrots, saving the tops. Chop 500g of carrots into similar-sized chunks and add them to a saucepan with 200g of butter and 100ml of water or vegetable stock.
  2. Cook on low heat until the carrots turn to mush and most of the water evaporates, about 30 minutes with the lid on, then another 30 minutes without.
  3. Blend with a pinch of salt and ground coriander if desired.


  1. Add the herb stems, 80g of grated Parmesan, 1 grated garlic clove, 100g of toasted pumpkin seeds (160°C for 10 minutes), lemon zest, black pepper, salt, a pinch of sugar or honey, and 100ml of herb/carrot top oil to a blender.
  2. Blend to your preferred consistency.


  1. Trim and remove the bloodline, skin, and pin bones.
  2. Heat 50g of butter in a sauté pan on low until it foams.
  3. Season the salmon with salt and pepper, and gently place it in the pan.
  4. Adjust the heat to keep the butter foaming, and cook on both sides, basting with butter. Cook for a couple of minutes per side and let rest for 5 minutes.


  1. Cook the pasta according to the package instructions. Orecchiette is great for holding the carrot puree, but any pasta will do.


  1. Drain the pasta and toss with carrot puree.
  2. Place in a bowl, add pesto, and flake the salmon on top.
  3. Garnish with shaved carrot curls, cheese, and toasted pumpkin seeds.
  4. Squeeze lemon over the dish.
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