Do you love a list?

Do you love a list? We mean a shopping list, of course. Using a shopping list will save you time, money and help you waste less food. That’s why Sarah from Love Food Hate Waste is sharing her experiences of finding the shopping list method that works best for her and her family.
I love a list!
I love lists and the satisfaction of crossing things off them, so I can’t remember a time when I haven’t had a shopping list. While walking around the aisles can be a good reminder of what we need, I tend to forget more rarely purchased items unless they are written down. The best way to create a list is to check the cupboards and fridge before you go, to ensure you are not doubling up on items unnecessarily. Over the years I have tried a few different ways of keeping a list.
The chalkboard list
One year I went chalkboard crazy and painted several doors with black chalkboard paint. I was tempted to paint the fridge too, but ran out of paint.
If, unlike mine, your fridge is not covered in magnets, notices and articles, then the surface can also be a fantastic shopping list canvas. Just remember to use whiteboard markers, not permanent markers!
Of course, you can’t take these lists to the shop with you but that’s when phone cameras become a really useful tool, instead of just something your son takes selfies with.
The magnetised list
Another year I received a free shopping list notepad that attached to the fridge with a magnet as part of a school stationery order. I love a magnetic meal planner because as I cook I can add items to it when I notice they have run out or are about to run out. If someone in my family complains that I didn’t get something they wanted in the shopping, I refer them to the list, as in “It wasn’t on the list.” Then I remind them “Anyone can add an item to the list”. No one else ever adds an item to the list!
The techie list
Despite my professed love of being in sole charge of our list, I must confess I am rather tired of the complaints of “There is nothing to eat!” when I have just come home with the shopping. That is teenage speak for “There is nothing I want to eat.” Or “All the food in the house requires me to make some effort, rather than just being able to shove it in my mouth”.
So to keep the peace in my household, I have decided to get with the 21st century and download an app called Anylist. This app allows you to share your list with other members of your household, so you can all add items to it. This will be an improvement on texting my husband with everything that was on my list, when I realise he has headed off to do the shopping without the list. Or worse, sending him multiple texts as I remember more things he needs to get, which of course leads to him ignoring my texts.
I shop at both major supermarket chains, so am also definitely going to give the Countdown app a go. Not only can you add to the shopping list function on it when out and about, but you can organise your shopping list by aisle to save time when you’re in-store. No more backtracking at the end of my shop, when I realise I have missed out a few essentials on my list, simply because I didn’t spot them in the aisles.
Regardless of which way you use, shopping with a list saves you time, money and will help you waste less food.
Check out our other ways to save money on your grocery shopping.