15 November 2021
GirlGuiding New Zealand Badge

Featured in the Lincoln University, Growing the Future – Whakatipu ngā kākano o Āpōpō badge
We’re excited that our campaign, ‘Love Food Hate Waste NZ’ has been featured in the latest GirlGuiding New Zealand badge; Growing the Future – Whakatipu ngā kākano o Āpōpō – which translates as ‘grow the seeds of tomorrow’. Developed through an expert partnership between GirlGuiding New Zealand and Lincoln University, the badge has an agriculture, horticulture, and science theme.
Badges are the backbone of GirlGuiding New Zealand and provide plenty of hands-on activities for girls. Through the badge, girls can explore career options in the land, food, and fibre industry. They are also encouraged to get outdoors, advocate for the environment, and recognise Māori approaches to guardianship and protection of land or kaitiakitanga.
Love Food Hate Waste NZ is used as an example in an activity for Rangers (age 12-17). The girls learn about food provenance and sustainability to help build their understanding of food from ‘paddock to plate’ – and beyond! Our resources give girls some valuable additional references as they work through the badge.
Growing the Future is a badge that sows the seeds of tomorrow in girls in Guiding as the next generation of kaitiaki – becoming innovators and leaders for their generation in the years to come.
Watch the video below for a short summary of the badge.
#GrowAtLincoln #GrowingTheFuture