8 ways with feijoas

Do you have so many feijoas that you don’t know what to do with them?
Chances are, you may be sick of the sight of them – you have given them away to friends and family, advertised them on Neighbourly and yet they’re still falling off your tree. Despite your excess, you don’t want to waste a single one as this precious fruit is only available for such a short season each year.
We hear ya! That’s why we have compiled a list of eight things you can do with your feijoas.
Many of them, like the feijoa paste, jam and cordial are the perfect things to make now so you can enjoy that unique feijoa flavour for the rest of the year.
No Bake Feijoa and White Chocolate Cheesecake
This no bake feijoa and white chocolate cheesecake is a luxurious way to enjoy feijoas – and perfect for an Easter treat!
Feijoa Cordial
If you’ve got mountains of feijoa skins left over from your baking or preserving, put them to good use in this simple feijoa cordial.
Feijoa Paste
This feijoa paste tastes amazing and uses up half a bucket of feijoas! You can either eat it like a sweet or add it to your next cheese board.
Feijoa and Apple Crumble
Feijoas are a welcome addition to any crumble. Try this Healthy Food Guide feijoa and apple crumble.
Feijoa Jam
It’s skins and all in this feijoa jam recipe so no part of the feijoa will go to waste.
Feijoa Pancakes
If your feijoas need eating now and you’re short on time you can quickly whip up a batch of these feijoa pancakes.
Feijoa Salsa
If you’re looking for a way to incorporate feijoas in your main meal, look no further. This fresh feijoa salsa goes well with chicken, pork and fish.
Feijoa muffins
If you have only used the flesh, then why not make these tangy feijoa muffins which only use the skin?