Join us for a Love Your Leftovers Lunch

One of the greatest things about leftovers is eating them for lunch.
Not only do they save you time in the morning, they also stop you spending your hard-earned money on an overpriced sandwich.
While many of us regularly eat our leftovers the following day, other Kiwis obviously don’t, as over $100 million of leftovers are thrown away in New Zealand every year.
Love Food Hate Waste wants you to have a “Love Your Leftovers” lunch on Friday 25 November.
Because when we throw away food, especially cooked food, we are wasting all of the time, money and resources that went into growing, transporting, purchasing, storing and preparing it.
Eating leftovers for lunch is a great way to ensure they don’t go to waste.
How do I hold a Love Your Leftovers Lunch?
It’s quite simple, all you need to do is eat leftovers for lunch on Friday 25th November.
They don’t have to be leftovers from the night before, they may be something that you have stashed away in the freezer, or a random mix and match of food items from your fridge that need to be eaten. If you have the time and right equipment you can even repackage them into a new meal.
Share your lunch
Share photos of your Love Your Leftovers lunch with Love Food Hate Waste via social media and go in the draw to win a great prize. Post a photo of your lunch on the Love Food Hate Waste Facebook page or use the hashtag #loveyourleftovers on Twitter or Instagram.
Run a Love Your Leftovers Lunch in your workplace
You could even run a Love Your Leftovers Lunch in your workplace to encourage your colleagues to eat their leftovers. Businesses could provide an appliance (e.g. sandwich press) and key ingredients (e.g. bread and cheese) for people to then, makeover their own leftovers.
Ways to repackage leftovers:
- Toasted sandwich maker or sandwich press + bread or tortillas + cheese + leftovers
- Pie maker + pastry or bread + leftovers
- Rice paper rolls + sweet chili sauce + leftovers
- Oven + pizza bases + leftovers
- Frypan + eggs + leftovers
If you do run a workplace event, we have a range of resources you can use to promote your Love Your Leftovers lunch and the issue of food waste.
- Check out our leftovers food safety guide which you can print as an A5 handout.
- Here are our 10 top tips to tackle leftovers.
- Here are 3 easy ways to repackage your leftovers.
- Here are other posters and food waste infographics you can use
- We also have a resource pack of activities for workplaces which includes a fun staff quiz.
If you have any questions please email us at